Sunday, December 21, 2014

The World's Most Interesting Parakeet

Pete doesn't usually drink beer, but when he does, he drinks his very own IPA (India Parakeet Ale).

Ask for it at your local bar. (Be prepared for some odd looks, though.)


  1. He once flew East for the winter...because, traffic. He trains other birds how to be more "birdy". He studied at the Cordon Bleu and apprenticed with the staff of the French Laundry but still prefers seeds. He IS...The World's Most Interesting Parakeet.

  2. I am disappointed that Pete did not come out with an IP(arakeet)A 120. In his first debut in the hops industry, he should have made a bigger splash. That said,I remain proud of him.

  3. Wow. I didn't know you could find that brew outside of Asia! :)
