Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Chag Sameach

Pete welcomes you to join him in celebrating the Festival of Lights.

While Pete's father was Episcopalian, his mother was Jewish so technically, according to rabbinic law, Pete is Jewish.


  1. My poor Pete has been kidnapped, or worse, killed. I can hear his chirps in a distance, but cannot find him. He has not eaten in days. His poor heart is faint. I am concerned that the mean curriculum team has taken him and is feeding him to that terrible Puppy of Whitney's. What shall I do. Help me please!!!!

  2. Chag Sameach, Petey! I'd love for you to join my family and I as we light the candles on our menorah. It will remind you of your childhood.
    Don't worry, Vernon, we will feed him latkes so he does not starve.
